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✔️ FIXED BUG: Crater Artifacts

Posted: 2023-Oct-15, 21:24
by Krishty
Craters are sometimes rendered incorrectly.

image.png (46.27 KiB) Viewed 1806 times

It seems to be happening more often with debris or airplanes underway, and it can be “fixed” by the viewer moving to a different terrain tile.

I suspect that a rendering state is not correctly reset somewhere in the renderer.

Re: 🔴 OPEN BUG: Crater Artifacts

Posted: 2023-Oct-24, 21:10
by Krishty
This has become really annoying now that we have lots of craters.

Re: 🔴 OPEN BUG: Crater Artifacts

Posted: 2023-Oct-25, 15:39
by Krishty
Yes, it’s unbearable. I tried to ignore it for the next release, but this needs fixing …

image.png (703.77 KiB) Viewed 1716 times

Re: 🔴 OPEN BUG: Crater Artifacts

Posted: 2024-Feb-07, 22:48
by Krishty
Fix underway.

The problem was the craters being rendered per-tile, interfering with the contrails. Rendering craters of all tiles in one pass and contrails in another fixes that.

This is excellent because that was the last major bug that blocked a release.

Re: ✔️ FIXED BUG: Crater Artifacts

Posted: 2024-Feb-11, 01:22
by Krishty
Fix has landed.

Re: ✔️ FIXED BUG: Crater Artifacts

Posted: 2024-Apr-08, 15:40
by Krishty
Seems like this exact issue is back.

The only change that comes to mind is: dynamic and static trails were rendered separately until a few weeks ago. When I fixed the contrail memory corruptions that rendered traffic unusable, I combined the rendering of both into one loop.