Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

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Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

As terrible as these events are – as developers of combat simulators, we should use these scenes as references and hope that we never see them in reality again.

Please no blood / bodies / etc; have respect for the people fighting there.

Damaged KA-52
After an emergency landing outside of Kyiv; pilots escaped.
ka-52-kiev.jpg (78.34 KiB) Viewed 15051 times
Video of the very same heli:

Plane exploding
Over Kyiv; seven seconds between flash and bang. Plane type unknown; most likely a Russian SU-27. This is brighter than I expected.

(at 0:45 into this video:)

Attack Helicopter shot down
Russian attack helicopter has been downed over Vyshhorod (north of #Kyiv). Pilot can be seen with his parachute left of the smoke.
ka-52.jpg (166.8 KiB) Viewed 15051 times
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Wreckage of a Ukranian SU-27
Pilot probably ejected because canopy was found far away
Su-27 wreck 1.jpg
Su-27 wreck 1.jpg (172.12 KiB) Viewed 14846 times
Su-27 wreck 2.png
Su-27 wreck 2.png (525.1 KiB) Viewed 14846 times
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Rocket hitting Apartment Building
I don’t know what it is, but it’s huge.
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by mikew »

Any air war has been pretty much one way due to overwhelming superiority in numbers on one side.
From a simulation point of view, I'm not sure has any attempt been made to model the civilian population in such a scenario.

That's a fairly complex ejection system on the Ka-50/52. I had to read up on that.
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Air defense missile over Kyiv
Unknown type; could be S-300.

IL-76 debris
Il-76 wreck.png
Il-76 wreck.png (248.83 KiB) Viewed 14850 times
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Anti-Aircraft Fire
Allegedly over Odessa, 2022-02-25

AN-26 debris

Missile Destroying UAV
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

MI-24 Burns and Crashes

Su-25 Hit by MANPAD
It keeps flying and shoots at ground forces.
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

An-225 destroyed
One of the world’s largest planes, pride of the Ukraine, was destroyed in its Hangar at Antonov airport.

Air Defense Shoots Down Plane
Unknown type, claimed over Chernobyl.

Planes Crashing
Appearing to be shot down by air defense.

Medium-Range Missiles Launched from Belarus
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Mi-35 wreck
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Mi-35(?) Crashing into Water
Hit by MANPAD on the first day of invasion, near Kyiv.
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Ka-52 Abandoned
Ka-52 abandoned 1.jpg
Ka-52 abandoned 1.jpg (243.95 KiB) Viewed 14855 times
Ka-52 abandoned 2.jpg
Ka-52 abandoned 2.jpg (232.2 KiB) Viewed 14855 times
Ka-52 abandoned 3.jpg
Ka-52 abandoned 3.jpg (285.28 KiB) Viewed 14855 times
Ka-52 abandoned 4.jpg
Ka-52 abandoned 4.jpg (410.56 KiB) Viewed 14855 times

9M79 Ballistic Missile Remains
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

AN-225 Wreck
2022-03-04-6a.jpg (61.45 KiB) Viewed 14978 times
2022-03-04-6b.jpg (66.77 KiB) Viewed 14978 times
2022-03-04-6c.jpg (67.6 KiB) Viewed 14978 times
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Su-25M3 Wreck
Su-25M3 wreck 1.jpg
Su-25M3 wreck 1.jpg (84.91 KiB) Viewed 14854 times
Su-25M3 wreck 2.jpg
Su-25M3 wreck 2.jpg (74.48 KiB) Viewed 14854 times
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Su-34 shot down
Both pilots ejected.

Su-34 wreck 1.jpg
Su-34 wreck 1.jpg (163.75 KiB) Viewed 14853 times
Su-34 wreck 2.jpg
Su-34 wreck 2.jpg (151.07 KiB) Viewed 14853 times

Another Su-34 shot down
One pilot captured.
Su-34 wreck 1.jpg
Su-34 wreck 1.jpg (184.61 KiB) Viewed 14852 times
Su-34 wreck 2.jpg
Su-34 wreck 2.jpg (241.42 KiB) Viewed 14852 times
Su-34 wreck 3.jpg
Su-34 wreck 3.jpg (182.28 KiB) Viewed 14852 times
Su-34 wreck 4.jpg
Su-34 wreck 4.jpg (184.61 KiB) Viewed 14852 times

Mi-8 Wreck
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 1.jpg
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 1.jpg (151.88 KiB) Viewed 14852 times
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 2.jpg
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 2.jpg (93.54 KiB) Viewed 14852 times
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 3.jpg
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 3.jpg (43.41 KiB) Viewed 14852 times

Mi-24 Wreck
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Plane Crash
Unknown type; presumably Russian.
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Ka-52 Wreck

Russian Su-25 with MANPAD Damage

Ukrainian Su-25 Exploding
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Damaged Ukrainian Su-25
This is some severe damage!
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Mi-28N being hit by MANPAD

Mi-8AMTSh Wreck
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 1.jpg
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 1.jpg (230.83 KiB) Viewed 14908 times
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 2.jpg
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 2.jpg (198.1 KiB) Viewed 14908 times
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 3.jpg
Mi-8AMTSh wreck 3.jpg (258.83 KiB) Viewed 14908 times
(source, source)
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Mi-24 shot down by Piorun
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Re: Air War over Ukraine (nothing graphic!)

Post by Krishty »

Two Ukrainian Il-76MD Wrecks
Hit by artillery.
Il-76MD wreck 1.jpg
Il-76MD wreck 1.jpg (202.42 KiB) Viewed 14909 times
Il-76MD wreck 2.jpg
Il-76MD wreck 2.jpg (251.34 KiB) Viewed 14909 times
Il-76MD wreck 3.jpg
Il-76MD wreck 3.jpg (129.3 KiB) Viewed 14909 times

Russian Su-27/35 wreck
Shot down; pilot captured. Was either a Su-27 or a Su-35.
Su-35 wreck 1.jpg
Su-35 wreck 1.jpg (234.96 KiB) Viewed 14909 times
Su-35 wreck 2.jpg
Su-35 wreck 2.jpg (165.6 KiB) Viewed 14909 times
Su-35 wreck 3.jpg
Su-35 wreck 3.jpg (230.24 KiB) Viewed 14909 times
Su-35 wreck 4.jpg
Su-35 wreck 4.jpg (139.12 KiB) Viewed 14909 times
(source, source)
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