Air Dominance Fighter Cheats

DID’s Air Dominance Fighter and Total Air War.
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Air Dominance Fighter Cheats

Post by Krishty »

I haven’t seen this documented anywhere, so I’ll be doing it here:

Activate Cheat Mode

This is required to enable any of the later cheats!
  1. Start ADF.
  2. Start an arbitrary mission and enter the F-22 cockpit.
  3. Press and hold the Alt key. While holding it down, press the following keys one after another: D I D I T.
  4. Let go of Alt. Cheat mode is now enabled.

Re-arm and Refuel

(Not available during multiplayer!)
Press Alt+D.

Become Invincible

Press Shift+I. You won’t take any more damage, will pass straight through buildings, and will be able to hit the ground even at high speed with no damage. (That last one is buggy and works only if you hit the ground with the underside of your plane.)

Hover like a Helicopter

Press Shift+U. Your plane will stay where it is, although you can still rotate it.

Change Time of Day

This is different from time skipping: The time of day will change while the gameplay and mission proceeds as usual. Hit Alt+K to go forward two hours. In a similar manner, Shift+K will go forward one minute.

Hide Text; Take Screenshot

Via Alt+L, in-game text (like the clock in the lower-left corner) is hidden. This mode was probably added to allow better screenshots for marketing purposes. You can take a screenshot via Shift+F11 and it’ll be stored as SCRN0.LBM in the game directory. However, the screenshots come out damaged for me.

Debug Menus

Alt+F10 and Alt+F11 will toggle through various debug menus. These include path visualizations for AI (best seen in SmartView); marking every airfield on the map; stats on the flight model, and more.

I’d love to add screenshots, but my previous tests have screwed up my GPU driver big time. Maybe later.

I haven’t found the cheat codes to TAW yet, but I remember that DKD knows a way to enable them.
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Re: Air Dominance Fighter Cheats

Post by bored »

Amazing! :D

I found those debug menus in TAW, but could only enable them one at a time by hex editing the exe.
Presumably, the other stuff is there as well. I'll try it out when I get time...
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Re: Air Dominance Fighter Cheats

Post by Krishty »

Unlock all Tours

Start the game from the command line and pass tour_access. I.e. open a command prompt or PowerShell, navigate to ADF\PROGRAM, and call

  _f22.exe tour_access

All tour missions will now be available to you; you don’t have to complete them one after another.
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Re: Air Dominance Fighter Cheats

Post by Krishty »

Alien Invasion

Enter aliens as both name and callsign of your profile. After that, the demo will show an alien invasion. In TAW, you will additionally be able to fight Flying Saucer and Space Triangle during custom combat:

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