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🔴 OPEN BUG: Leaving Terrain in Explorer Mode

Posted: 2024-Mar-17, 21:30
by mikew
While using the NUMKEYs, you can't go any further south than the '4N' tile. But if you use the mouse to 'fly' south and not pay attention, the N value becomes 8600054 (or something like that) and the terrain disappears once you go off the map.

Re: Going over the edge of the map in Explorer mode

Posted: 2024-Mar-17, 22:34
by Krishty
Right! We should handle this somehow.

But how?

Invisible wall?

At the same time, I should remove the You are leaving UN airspace string – I only realized from looking at damson’s TFX video that this string is from TFX and DID forgot to change it for EF2000/F22.

Re: 🔴 OPEN BUG: Leaving Terrain in Explorer Mode

Posted: 2024-Mar-17, 22:45
by mikew
Either an invisible wall, or make the N/E values negative or something, so you can still see the terrain and not get completely lost.
I think it's good to able to go off the map as it would be useful when using a small test terrain for instance.

Re: 🔴 OPEN BUG: Leaving Terrain in Explorer Mode

Posted: 2024-Mar-20, 20:45
by Krishty
Can’t do negative values now – too complex. Coordinates are compressed into UAW_GlobalPoint (which I want to replace altogether some day) and it’s not a trivial change to make it hold signed values instead of unsigned ones.

That’s also the reason the terrain “disappears”: The coordinate wraps around to tile 65535 or something.

I’ll go for the invisible wall …

Re: 🔴 OPEN BUG: Leaving Terrain in Explorer Mode

Posted: 2024-Apr-04, 19:12
by Krishty
I downgrade this from critical to nice to have. First, I doubt that leaving the terrain is a major use case. Second, the fix becomes more complicated as it performs pretty bad when applied to all coordinates; it performs better but becomes pretty complicated when applied only to the viewer.