EF2000 Palette System

DID’s most popular flight simulation.
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EF2000 Palette System

Post by Krishty »

Just leaving this here for reference.

EF2000 has three times of day:
  1. day
  2. twilight
  3. night
There are three weather states:
  1. clear
  2. cloudy
  3. rainy
Now comes altitude into play. Terrain is not infinitely high – at a certain altitude, you enter a cloud layer. Above it, normal terrain is no longer rendered and a replacement terrain consisting of clouds is rendered instead. This cloud terrain also uses a different color palette – all water colors (shades of blue) are replaced with cloud colors (shades of white); the sky looks deep blue because you are in stratosphere.

All palettes follow a common naming scheme: p<cloud><time of day>_<weather>.

<cloud> is c for the cloud terrain and empty for normal terrain.

<time of day> is
  • day
  • twilight
  • night
<weather> is
  • cr (clear)
  • cd (cloudy)
  • rn (rain)
So the color palette for rainy twilight above the clouds is pct_rn.

For some reason, the colours directory contains these palettes as both .pal and .col files – and they look different! Haven’t found out why yet.
Data Genius
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Re: EF2000 Palette System

Post by bored »

I'm not seeing any 'colours\xxx.pal files at all. Do you have an example of one that definitely exists?
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Re: EF2000 Palette System

Post by Krishty »

mikew wrote: 2024-Mar-26, 17:07I'm not seeing any 'colours\xxx.pal files at all. Do you have an example of one that definitely exists?
No “definitely” for me since all my experiments were hacks … but this post lists some. Note that they have .col counterparts, but not all of them.
Data Genius
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Re: EF2000 Palette System

Post by bored »

Ha, I was already copying and pasting from that thread, so tried this in my matching script
..but I'm on a Windows PC right now, so it needed to be

Took a while to notice that...
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Re: EF2000 Palette System

Post by Krishty »

mikew wrote: 2024-Mar-26, 22:38Took a while to notice that...
So sorry … I ran into this issue myself once 🤦‍♂️

I work too much cross-platform I guess …
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