Just leaving this here for reference.
EF2000 has three times of day:
- day
- twilight
- night
There are three weather states:
- clear
- cloudy
- rainy
Now comes altitude into play. Terrain is not infinitely high – at a certain altitude, you enter a cloud layer. Above it, normal terrain is no longer rendered and a replacement terrain consisting of clouds is rendered instead. This cloud terrain also uses a different color palette – all water colors (shades of blue) are replaced with cloud colors (shades of white); the sky looks deep blue because you are in stratosphere.
All palettes follow a common naming scheme:
p<cloud><time of day>_<weather>.
<cloud> is
c for the cloud terrain and empty for normal terrain.
<time of day> is
<weather> is
- cr (clear)
- cd (cloudy)
- rn (rain)
So the color palette for rainy twilight above the clouds is
For some reason, the
colours directory contains these palettes as both
.pal and
.col files – and they look different! Haven’t found out why yet.