🔴 OPEN BUG: API: Wrong Color Order

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🔴 OPEN BUG: API: Wrong Color Order

Post by Krishty »

UAW_QRGBC_8888 is declared as rgbc, but it is actually rendered as bgrc.

Two things to clarify before fixing:

1. Which color order is preferable for users of the API: rgb or bgr?
(I guess RGB is more intuitive?)

2. Does qRGB make any sense or should we move to sRGB?
qRGB is squared RGB – in order to convert the color values to linear color space, square each component. That’s almost identical to sRGB color space (which has a gamma of 2.2 instead of 2) but much, much faster to compute.
But almost everyone is using sRGB now and GPUs nowadays probably have enough compute power to perform a full sRGB conversion. So why not use sRGB directly?
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