TFXplorer 1.2

Our attempt at remaking DID’s flight sims.
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TFXplorer 1.2

Post by Krishty »

(Copied from 2017, but still the latest stable version.)



Discover the worlds of TAW, ADF, and EF2000 — without the limitations of the actual games!



System Requirements:
Requires Air Dominance Fighter, Total Air War, Total Air War 2.0, or Super EF2000 installed.
I personally tested it on Windows 7 only, but it should work on Windows XP, Vista, and 10 as well.
You need a Direct3D 9-compatible graphics card (ATI Radeon 9500 / Nvidia GeForce MX or higher — basically any decent GPU you bought after 2003).


If you have already installed an older version of TFXplorer, or if you use 3View, you can skip the following step:
  • If you have not already installed the DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010), get them here. Otherwise, TFXplorer will not start due to D3DX9_43.DLL and other files missing.
If you have Total Air War 2.0 installed, copy the content of TFXplorer 1.2 x86 to the Total Air War 2.0 folder. If you have ADF, TAW or Super EF2000 installed, copy them to ADF/TAW/EF2000’s PROGRAM folder.

Double-click TFXplorer x86. The splash screen should appear.

  • Plane controls are just like TAW's.
  • SHIFT+Q quits the game or switches to explorer mode.
You can switch to explorer mode via SHIFT+Q; X:
  • Press the left mouse button to move forward.
  • SHIFT+S cycles the time of day. N toggles night vision at night.
  • F1 toggles wireframe rendering.
  • F2 takes a screenshot and saves it as a bitmap with a reconnaissance-like look.
  • F3 switches from Glide to Direct3D and vice versa (only important for developers).
  • F4 toggles target names.
  • F5 brings you back to in-game mode.
  • Repeatedly press S to increase viewing range, or X to decrease.
  • NUMPAD 6, 2, 4, and 8 glide north, south, west, and east.
  • NUMPAD 5 and CTRL+NUMPAD 5 glide up/down.
For more details – e.g how to load TAW’s hidden level – refer to the official site.
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Re: TFXplorer 1.2

Post by manobroda »

Dear Krishty.
I would like to congratulate you and your entire team for the great work you have done.
I'm a big fan of DID's games, especially TAW and ADF.
I still have the CD of those games kept with great affection.

I downloaded TFXplorer 1.2 from your website, but when I run it, the game starts in full flight.
How can I select campaigns and missions by TFXplorer?

I use the Windows 10 system, on a computer with modern setup, and HOTAS Joysticks.
Thank you very much again, and for your attention.
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Re: TFXplorer 1.2

Post by Krishty »

Welcome, manobroda!

Campaigns and missions are not yet implemented. We’re working on it but unfortunately, it’ll still take a while to get there!
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Re: TFXplorer 1.2

Post by manobroda »

Thanks for your quick reply.
When I was looking for information on the other forums you participate in, I saw what a great development you are making.
I had the opportunity to download your builds for the month of August 2020, but I believe that the scenary option was not yet available.
Are there relatively functional "beta" versions currently?
Thanks again for your attention.
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Re: TFXplorer 1.2

Post by Krishty »

I’m so happy that you follow my development progress! 🙂

We don’t have a functional beta right now because our EF2000 support broke some time ago and I’m currently fixing it (viewtopic.php?t=88).

When this is done, I’ll finalize our ongoing GUI work including control remapping. From this point – whenever we reach it – there should be regular beta versions again! These include scenario selection – but please be aware that “scenario” currently means little more than “this terrain or another”; there will not yet be any enemies …
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