F22 Texture Editor

DID’s Air Dominance Fighter and Total Air War.
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F22 Texture Editor

Post by Krishty »

F22 Texture Editor by Krishty

(248 KiB) Downloaded 215 times
(6.8 KiB) Downloaded 215 times
  1. run from extracted EF2000 or F22 PROGRAM directory
  2. converts all TM files of the game to PNGs in the subdirectory !converted
  3. after editing the PNGs, run again to convert them back to TMs
The last modification time is used to determine whether PNG or TM is newer, i.e. you can run this program again and again to “synchronize” your work with the game.

Errors are spit out to stderr. Invalid files are skipped.

Currently limited to Windows because that has a built-in PNG encoder/decoder (GDI+).
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Re: F22 Texture Editor

Post by Scorpion82 »

Sounds interesting, thanks. Will give it a try at some point.
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Re: F22 Texture Editor

Post by Krishty »

Great! Here is a screenshot of what to expect:

image.png (123.35 KiB) Viewed 8750 times

The program closes directly after processing, but then you can’t see potential error messages. So it should be started from a console instead. Room for improvement in a future version 🤔
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