Our attempt at remaking DID’s flight sims.
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Posts: 2236 Joined: 2022-Jan-09, 00:59
by Krishty » 2024-Apr-20, 08:54
TFXplorer 2024.04.20
New GUI, day-night cycles in EF2000, head tracking, and much more!
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image.png (22.35 KiB) Viewed 15765 times
System Requirements
64-Bit Windows 7 or later
D3D9-compatible graphics card (from 2003 or later)
DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) if you want sound.
One of the following games on your hard drive:
Total Air War 2.0
F22 Total Air War
F22 Air Dominance Fighter
EF2000 V2.0
http://krishty.com/taw/tfxplorer/2024-0 ... xplorer.7z
Extract the archive to an arbitrary directory.
Run install.cmd to add your installed DID games to TFXplorer.
If the above fails to find a game, run the corresponding install <game>.cmd and manually enter/paste the installation path.
Start TFXplorer.exe .
Plane controls are just like TAW's.
Shift +Q quits the game or switches to explorer mode.
You can switch to explorer mode via
Shift +
Q ;
X :
Press and hold the left mouse button to move forward.
Shift +S skips 15 minutes forward.
Repeatedly press S to increase viewing range, or X to decrease.
F5 brings you back to in-game mode.
F1 toggles wireframe rendering.
Num 6 , Num 2 , Num 4 , and Num 8 glide north, south, west, and east.
Num 5 and Ctrl +Num 5 glide up/down.
With respect to
TFXplorer 1.2
added GUI
replaces configuration files for scenario selection and game settings
in-game menu bar at the top edge for fast access to options
added control mapping (via Windows Registry keys)
added head tracking via TrackIR protocol (compatible with OpenTrack, FaceTrackNoIR, etc.)
added dynamic contrails
new for F-22
replaces old, static contrails on NPCs
added support for more hidden levels from EF2000
added day-night cycle for EF2000 Norway
added sound effects to NPCs
added wingtip vortices
added craters for bullets and debris
added more particle effects
added extension API
improved flight physics
pitch is no longer instantaneous
fixed F-22 fuel consumption
improved gear physics
landing gear can now break
realistic rolling resistance
fixed tire screech errors
fixed plane wobbling infinitely after some landings
added minimap to explorer mode
added restoring of last session’s window position
added thermometer/hygrometer (can be disabled via menu bar)
improved sky rendering
removed place name labels in Explorer mode
removed night vision
removed canopy shading
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Posts: 2236 Joined: 2022-Jan-09, 00:59
by Krishty » 2024-Apr-20, 09:11
Ace Combat 3 Extension
This is a special gift for fellow Ace Combat fans. But
be warned : it’s still pretty
unstable !
Download http://krishty.com/taw/tfxplorer/2024-0 ... rer-ac3.7z
Extract to your UAW directory.
Run install Ace Combat 3.cmd and enter the path to your Ace Combat 3 CD-ROM (where ACE.BPB and ACE.BPH are located). All game versions are supported (Japanese, Export, Demo).
Start TFXplorer.exe .
You should now see the AC3 levels under
Scenarios :
image.png (26.24 KiB) Viewed 15763 times
You can explore the environment, but it’s not interactive yet. There are no enemies or missions.
image.png (570.59 KiB) Viewed 15763 times
limitations :
Although all game versions are supported, do not install them side-by-side.
A few missions crash, e.g. One-Way Ticket .
Special thanks to
DragonSpikeXIII from Project Nemo for allowing me to use the English translation of Japanese briefings!
Data Genius
Posts: 813 Joined: 2022-Jan-09, 20:21
by bored » 2024-Apr-27, 15:10
I'm a bit late to the party, but I've just installed this on a new PC and it works great!
In the Ace Combat instructions, you have "Extract to your UAW directory", but I think it should be the directory above that.
Data Genius
Posts: 813 Joined: 2022-Jan-09, 20:21
by bored » 2024-May-01, 15:16
Yay, I can land on AC3 bridges!
expo.PNG (251.88 KiB) Viewed 15680 times
I don't see any guardrails though. Maybe they only have self driving cars in Expo City.
Anway, seriously good work to mash TAW and AC3 together!
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Posts: 2236 Joined: 2022-Jan-09, 00:59
by Krishty » 2024-May-01, 15:57
It really was invaluable in finding bugs. TAW’s terrain is so flat and featureless in comparison. Landing on these bridges, for example, made me fix rolling resistance and gravity on slopes.
AC2 is itching me – I decoded its terrains just like AC3’s, minus the stuff for sky boxes and enemy placements you found out. Its levels are even more detailled. But I have to resist …
Posts: 1 Joined: 2024-Jul-09, 00:35
by camberiu » 2024-Jul-09, 00:40
Forgive if it is a stupid question, but are we able play any TAW campaign or combat mission with TFXplorer at this point?
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Posts: 2236 Joined: 2022-Jan-09, 00:59
by Krishty » 2024-Jul-09, 08:03
Not at all stupid! Sadly, the answer is no. We have the terrain graphics and flight model, but AI and campaign logic are completely missing from it.
If you are interested in the details, feel free to check out
this roadmap 🙂