40th Anniversary Edition

Running EF2000 on modern systems!
Posts: 71
Joined: 2022-Oct-17, 17:07

Re: 40th Anniversary Edition

Post by Scorpion82 »

Just for info, in campaign mode the game crashes when entering 3D. In Simulator mpde I had no issues. Also interesting is that the game doesn't start, if MIDI music is enabled. If you switch in sim from CD to MIDI pressing ALT+M the music works however.
Data Genius
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Re: 40th Anniversary Edition

Post by bored »

That isn't surprising as I never have music enabled and only play the Simulator/Free Flight missions for test purposes.
What I need to do I guess, is to extract as many files with known names as possible then repack the remaining files into a did.dat.
That way, there should never be missing files.
I still want to 'scientifically' find out exactly which files are needed for the game.
Posts: 71
Joined: 2022-Oct-17, 17:07

Re: 40th Anniversary Edition

Post by Scorpion82 »

Maybe we could start this way. Maybe I can find something in the extracted files. Seems to me for example that there is a file that defines the number of allowable missions in the different Simulator sections. Forgot about the file name though, but it seems that more missions could be created editing the allowable number of missions. Just a guess though, needs some further investigation.
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